Monday, March 12, 2007

Single file line.

Warm weather + antsy riders = Riding outside.

Saturday went out with a group of 8 people were we got our road bike on. The 5.9 Madone still kicks ass. I can tell the training is coming along nice as I took all the "town sprints" without having to try hard, or no one else bothered (hmmmm). The hills are still harder than the flats, but I can tackle them a little easier this year. No pics of the 2 1/2 hour sausage fest, sorry.

Sunday was a different group ride. I got pictures this time and not as many riders joined me.

From left to right; Spaz, Me, My Baby's Momma.

Our chariot awaits.

Roads were nice. Weather was reasonable. Still plenty of white.

Stopping to answer the call of nature.

Despite this being Becky's first ride this year, our pedaling action always seemed to be in tandem of one another. Tandem, get it? Damn, I am funny! Seriously, she did awesome. We are both stronger this year. That 2 hour ride was nothing!

Sugar Daddy was worried about me getting in my threshold intervals. I found those can be done on the tandem without problem.

The shop was certainly busy. Everyone was bring in there bikes for tune-ups. Guess who gets to do that!

I am very anxious for it to warm up further for more riding mayhem.


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