Room for the wife, I, and family? CHECK!
Hundreds of miles of trails out the back door? CHECK!
1/2 mile from Telemark Resort? CHECK!
Dozens of lakes and rivers to conquer? CHECK!
Snow shoe and Ski Trails abound? CHECK!
Open for rental? CHECK!
2 groups of people interested in staying already? CHECK!
Me and the woman excited? CHECK!
My baby's momma showing the goods.

Location, and a perfect place to land our private jet.
Well, I know where I am staying for the Fat Tire this year. I also know who may or may not be staying there for the Birkie.
Drop what you are doing, call the spouse, call the friends. You just found where you are going to spend a fun cheap week this year.
Seriously, don't go back to work.
If interested e-mail me at Cheaper than you may expect.
Congratulations, time to start planning the preseason training camps. Riding at old man Charly's place. What a great deal for me.
If I expect to pay $20 for a weekend at the Tris, and you are charging less than I expect, can I expect to pay $15? And if I expect to pay $15, but you swear to charge less than I expect, can I expect to pay $10? And if I expect to pay $10, but you are honor bound to charge less than I expect, can I expect to pay $5? And if I expect to pay $5, but on your oath you will charge less than I expect, can I expect to pay nothing?
you is a person. He expects to pay more than what Brian expects. The cabin is cheaper than what you thinks.
Price Brian thinks < Actual Price < Price you thinks
Got that smart guy?
What's this two groups of people interested in renting non-sense? I hope you aren't counting me in that, as I am expected it free!
So "You" is the name of the guy renting it, much like "Nobody" was the guy who poked Cyclops' eye out in the Illiad?
Whoa. Deep AND literary!
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