Saturday, December 22, 2007
Pro or local schmo

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Who, who?
-Something is gonna be done about the well J-No.
-Augie and his wife raised 6 children here, RIP.
-Augie and his oxen were instrumental in the building of Telemark lodge.
-Sounds like Telemark will be getting sold and a huge water park may get installed.
-This place is going to be so much fun. I am not a winter person, but Cable begs to be explored with the snow on the ground.
-Augie had an owl obsession. This is only a portion of the owls in and outside of the house.

Saturday, December 08, 2007
New place, new website.
More to come on that site. Can you tell I had some time on my hands?

Maybe this Santa should find a new job? Santa, get to work!
Friday, December 07, 2007
Offer accepted, commence giddiness.
Room for the wife, I, and family? CHECK!
Hundreds of miles of trails out the back door? CHECK!
1/2 mile from Telemark Resort? CHECK!
Dozens of lakes and rivers to conquer? CHECK!
Snow shoe and Ski Trails abound? CHECK!
Open for rental? CHECK!
2 groups of people interested in staying already? CHECK!
Me and the woman excited? CHECK!
My baby's momma showing the goods.

Location, and a perfect place to land our private jet.
Well, I know where I am staying for the Fat Tire this year. I also know who may or may not be staying there for the Birkie.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
One step closer.
I (with the folks) am one step closer to buying a 3 bedroom "cabin".
This picture is from the backyard of this "cabin".
Can you say endless riding?
It will be availiable for rental at a very reasonable rate. I already have a week booked and we haven't even accepted the counter offer from the seller yet.
More to come, but this would make a great get-away for you that ride, ski, canoe, or just plain like the outdoors.
Anyone interested in a monster (5 hours) gravel ride this Saturday?
A haiku:
I sit here and type
You sit there and read my crap
Why? Get back to work.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Riding the storm out.
Dipped into the Maxipad stash for toe warmth(tip from Mr. Bennet). My ride looked like this. The haze is from the downpour of snow.

Out to the Mayowood trails. Slow going with the thick snow. I was able to ride 95% of the trails. Fun, fun. I am hoping others join me in packing down the trail so that it ride able in the winter (You hear me Kurke?).

"Dam it", was the command. From this Mayowood lake (pond?) was formed.

Thursday, November 29, 2007
I was pretty toasty except the toes. Just a warm pair of socks, my Nike mtb shoes, and booties. Coulda used some toe warmers last night, so I ended running with the bike a few times. I like to see what I can get away with some times.
Hoping to get these for Christmas.
2 hours on the cross bike by myself. Cold, hungry, alone.

Monday, November 26, 2007
Ünathlons, babies, and gravel
Also, I will be training for ünathlons. Hear me out here. I have friends that are into the Triathlon thing and they are always talking about their Ironman's and such. Well, I tried running, but the knees are not cool with it. Swimming blows. So, instead of multisport events I am focusing on single sport events. Thus the ünathlons. I believe the event I will concentrate on is cycling, but I am not sure yet. I believe this new sport will spread like wildfire.
Thanksgiving was fun, but Saturday and Sunday brought physical demands. Just under 3 hours of riding each morning with the Velorochester guys and then spending the rest of the daylight hours moving huge amounts of gravel and dirt. My body is tired, primarily the back.
One of the goals this year is to limit my trainer time. Oh, and to dominate every event I enter by astronomical margins.
Did I mention I am trying to acquire a cabin up north? I'll find out if it will happen soon, but hundreds of miles of mountain bike trails will be out the back door, literally.
Baby news!
-Saw Becky's sister's baby again this weekend
-Got to meet my brother's daughter for the first time which was really really nice.
-J No's wife (Lori) is getting huger everyday with the twins wrestling for room in her tummy. Did I mention that twins run in my family? Ok, maybe not.
-Cory "Corky" Gross and his wife Sabrina are also new parents!! They popped out a baby boy that I am excited to go see.
This is a picture of last winter. Nina going nuts for the Frisbee in fresh powder.
Snow is coming.

Friday, November 09, 2007
Bikes for sale

Thursday, November 08, 2007
Shake and Bake
What happened to Jeff Hall's site (see link right). MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN!!
...and Sugardaddy's (rumor is he will be riding a bike again soon enough)
...and Ben's (although he is guest blogging??)
...I need to update my links.
It is cold.
The new ride will be coming soon. It says Trek, it likes to 69, and bounce up and down.
I have never owned a Trek branded mountain bike before.
Need to sell the Supercaliber's now. Anyone interested in a decked out 29'er? Maybe two? Specs to folllow soon.
Saw Blades of Glory last night. Heard it was funnier than The Ballard of Ricki Bobby, a movie that will blow your mind. It is not. Like most Will Ferrel movies I thought it sucked.
Got an e-mail from Frank. He takes pictures. Cool pictures. He took a bunch at the last cross race in Ham Lake. His website is here. Ignore the little girls in tutu's. I think he had on pink ear warmers at the race, cool.
This kid can kick your butt.

A pic of the start of the Ham Lake CX. Guy in blue helmet in middle is A. Birr. I stand to his right (your left). Talk about a sweet action shot.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Double crossing (in more ways than one).
What is that? Oh yeah, I was going to race this Sunday, but Chris "d.a.i.s.n.a.i.d." Fisher said, "Hey, come to the race on Saturday instead. Brendan and I are going to be there and we can all hang out." I thought that was cool, so I changed plans. Needless to say Chris "d.a.i.s.n.a.i.d" Fisher was a no show at the race. Hmmmmm. Brendan said he was at some event with his fiance, Jen "big smiles" Meyer. I am guessing they toured the factory were they make the American Girls. That would fit the profile.
So this is for you Chris. Big smiles, big smiles.

Crossing at Ham Lake
I decided to do the A (60 minutes) and B (45 minutes) races as to try to jump start any fitness that is left. I have not been on the bike that much, and with the A race only costing an extra $5 I figured it was more ride time.
Lined up for the B race with Adam Birr of the team. He told me of how the course was a glorified dirt crit, and he was right. 2 barriers and no run up, a loooong paved section, and almost no climbing was not my idea of a fun cross race (note, I am not complaining, just stating). We took off at the start were it narrows down dramtiacally in the first 30 feet. I got into the woods in second and proceeded to try to warm up. The legs were so-so as I settled in with the top 6 paceline. At some point I was with 2 others as we approached a lapped rider and a barrier at the same time. The lap rider went in the middle, one guy went to pass on the left, the other guy and I went to pass on the right. Well, the lapped rider went sideways, the guy with me took him down, and I came to a dead stop. Hopped on the bike with a banged up knee, skinned shin, and knowledge that they weren't badly hurt. Ended up passing 2 guys on the last lap that bobbled to bring home 6th out of 80 overall, or 3rd out of 34ish in the Cat 3's (depends how you want to look at it). I was happy with that.
Then I lined up for the A race 10 minutes later. Talked to Brendan, but no Chris. What, no Chris? I knew that I was not going to be blowing anyones doors off, so I purposely let everyone go into the woods first. My first lap was allright, then my legs left me. I was cashed. My only thought was to keep riding until I got lapped and then pulled. Oh, here comes the top 3, a little trash talking from me and they were off. They must have ceramic bearings in their wheels. Looked forward to getting pulled at the finish, but nope. They don't pull riders (CRAP!!!). Kept riding. Slowing more and more each lap to a pathetic crawl. Ended getting lapped by Doug and company 3 times.
Now I blog, sip coffee, and get ready (mentally) for work.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!!
L to R: Brendan M., Ben M., Chris "I'm engaged" Fisher, and Myself.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
But it's a Schwinn!
Here is a sample conversation. First you must picture a man in his late fifties or later (yes, they are ALL like that) by himself. Sometimes he'll be carrying parts in a coffe can/rag/plastic baggie:
Me: Hi, what can I help you with?
Customer: Yeah, I need a bolt/nut/part.
Me: Where on the bike do you need that bolt (trying to narrow it down).
Customer: Well, it is near the wheel. It is about 5/8" round and has threads on it.
Me: O.K., there are several different sizes that that bolt could be. I would have to see the old bolt or the bike to get you the right one.
(Here it comes)
Customer: But it' a Schwinn!
Me: Yes, but it still could be several different sizes.
(I swear they all say this too)
Customer: Well, I bought it here 15-20 years ago. It still runs great. It is in mint condition. Do you guys take in trade-ins?
Me: We don't take in trade-ins on old Scwinn road bikes because no one wants them.
Customer: Well, that is too bad. It is in really good shape....
(Fast forward 10 minutes later after the old guy gets done telling me about the history of the bike, what he is doing to it, his wife's bike, how he does all of his own work, what the shop used to look like, and the last mechanic he had spoken too 5 years ago.)
Me: Alright, I'll see you later.
Later they bring in the bike. Every customer that thinks they are going to trade in their bike describes it as being in MINT condition, by the way. This is how these bikes look when they actually bring them in. Note the crooked seat, brake levers, bent handlebars, velcro water bottle holder, and poor bar tape. That is not counting the fact that it probably needs a ton of work.

Time to ride then work.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Looking at and riding like a child.
I became an uncle for the second time (technically). My first niece is closely guarded by my brother and his wife who have decided to lock us out of their lives (and most of the rest of the family). Watch the movie "Saving Silverman" and you will understand what has happened. So, this feels like the first time I have become an uncle.
Becky's sis and husband (in pic) took the proper steps to conceive a child (ask your parents), and now here we are. This picture is just before the priest tries to drown Kaydance. I think Alysia and Chris (mom and dad) just were doing this so they didn't have to give her a bath that day.

With Halloween being so close they decided to dress Kaydance up as an Amish child for the ceremony.

Me, the baby's momma, and a baby (not ours).
The next day I decided to embarrass myself at a cross race in Milwaukee. With it being my second cross race in years and the fact my bikes have been sadly alone since July, I suited up for the "B" or Cat 3 race. I started in the back, shot to third at the start, and moved to first through the barriers. A couple of turns later and I was picking myself up after sliding out in a corner. That took the wind out of my sails, and backwards I went. It seems that on that first lap everyone else was faster as I came through the finish in 24th or DFL, ouch. My plan was just to be steady and not bring up the rear. The whole race I could only keep my 5-speed transmission in 4th gear, but I was able to keep it there the entire time. I spent the rest of the race working my way forward as others slowed. The top 5 had a massive gap, but I finished ninth with 6th, 7th, and 8th within spitting distance.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Running, and not from the cops.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Marathons with the Careys, A week behind
Becky (my baby's momma) and Erin (Mark's baby's momma) would be supported by there evil counterparts, the men.

It was a chilly morning as Mark and I rode the course backwards in hopes of finding our women. Here we had to stop for the 5K to start. There was a 5k, 10K, half, and full marathon going on at the same time on different parts of the same course.

This is what happens when you take a triathlete onto a smooth dirt path.

Becky owning #261.

Look!! Becky is coming to the finish!!!

Here she is. 3:49.04, a new personnal record. Knocking over 12 minutes off of her old time. 8 minutes and 5 seconds from a Boston qualifying time.

Erin thinks she looks ugly in every picture, except this one.

Mark attacking my wife. Maybe I should do something about that. Hmmm, maybe not.

Becky rarely enjoys a Micky-D's burger. I think she likes it.

Saturday, October 06, 2007
Unexpected baby news.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Doing it for 20 hours.
I plan to ride there. I leave Friday night. My planned route is 1/2 paved and 1/2 crushed rock.
It is 250 miles total.
I don't plan on sleeping, or stopping for considerable lengths. I hope to be done in under 20 hours.
What do you have planned for 2am Saturday morning? I plan on being on my bike somewhere in WI.

Saturday, September 29, 2007
I like to 69.

This Thursday marked the most important day of the year. Yes, "The Office" season 3 premiere! We had some folks over and fun was had. Michael Scott and the crew did not disappoint. The next three weeks are hour long episodes, so more fun times are on there way. There is one reason I watch T.V and this is it.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were spent in Las Vegas with KC, the two time MN series champ. We rode the latest and greatest Monday and Tuesday totaling about 8 hours on different bikes. Brendan had been to the trail system before, so while almost everyone else rode the groomed and overcrowded loops for their ten minute test ride, we went on mini epics on some sweet technical trails. We rode many different bikes. Brendan, a 26'er devotee, was enthralled with the rear suspension on the new Fuel Ex. I had my chance to ride that as well and enjoyed it, but the small (to me) wheels were bothersome. My pick for favorite bike was the new Trek Top Fuel 69'er (a surprise to this 29'er lover). With the 29" front wheel and 26" rear, the bike accelerated and handled like a small wheel, but had the grip and stability out front that I am used to. I do believe I am converted once again. Brendan had promised to break his 29'er virginity while we there, but as we were lined up for the buses on the last day I was half in the bag from free Trek margaritas and he had still not ventured into the darkside.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
You want a quicky?
To answer where I left off.
Saw Mr. Lemond on Firetower in the fat tire. He was hurting bad, but as soon it was level again he went zoooooooommmmmmm.
My wife rode up all of Firetower. I did not. Most did not. Last year I middle ringed it, this year granny wasn't enough.
I saw this guy drop farther back then me. He must have DNF'd. He is pro. Now I am better than pro. Man, I am awesome.
I am leaving for Interbike now. Brendan and I have plans to explore the state with legalized prostitution and gambling. Hmmm, what to do, what to do?
You work, I'll go ride some new bikes in Vegas. Deal?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
3 for 3

Friday, September 14, 2007
Fatty 40
I have more Pro or Local Schmo games to play, but I also want to expand into motivational messages. Here you go.
Seriously, you are at work looking at some dumb picture of a kid playing Super Mario. Do you realize how sad that is?
By the way, I want to thank Jason Novak for posing for this pick. He was kind enough to let me into his house and see his game room. He also won the Rochester Centurion in 1991. Jason, you are awesome.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Who is that?
Click here.
In other news, the Fat Tire 40 presents itself this weekend. Not sure what to think of this race. I got a preferred start, so we'll see what happens. The fearsome threesome of Velorochester are planning on using me as there lead out in the road section. Hmmm, as appealing as that is, I want to make it past Rosie's field before I blow up. Maybe, I'll just lead them out through the downtown area when the speed is controlled by the 4 wheeler. Yeah, I think that is that plan.
Other Cheq news is that the shop will be closed this Friday afternoon and Sat. Why? Seems all but one of us plans on being in Hayward, WI this weekend.
Is surfing meaningless blogs in your job description?