Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Gamehaven Trailwork Friday 6/28 6 pm

After last weeks rain out we will hopefully be back on track and at least slightly dried out for this Friday.   Same deal as the other weeks, we will meet in the cub scout parking lot off of CR 1.  I will have most of the tools with me, but bring a plastic yard rake if you have it, work gloves, and water.  It's also a good idea to have pants, long sleeves, and bug spray as we've found out the last few times.  We will be leaving the parking lot promptly at 6pm so get there a few minutes early.  Similar to last time we will be focusing on building actual trail as opposed to just clearing.  Any questions let me know.  And please pass this note on to anyone interested.  Thanks.
Matt Kurke

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