Please click here to see the new Family Tri blog.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
New child, new blog.
Please click here to see the new Family Tri blog.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Abi says hey to the Gellers
Nothing will stop tradition!

Time to wheel Abi around to get her use to the feel of wheels rolling (even if the are 4 inchers). Like I said, training for her pro cycling career starts today. Maybe you should be training to be a productive employee.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Ain't she fair?
Lori from R!ah dropped by the do her hair up nice like Becky's yesterday. OK, maybe she didn't, but if she did it would look something like this.
That is it for now, I'll try to keep everyone updated on the next coming.
Now time to get her training, she has a long pro cycling career ahead!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
7cm and counting
Till then, we wait.
Right now we are watching "Drillbit Taylor".
Fun times.
The birth is not like in the movies.
Right now we are waiting. Becky actually made it to 6cm before the drugs. Mayo Clinic has free movies on demand and now we are watching the Nanny Diaries (I did not pick it out).
Erin "Doc" Carey is hanging out out with us until baby comes as she is done with work for today. Being friends with your Doctor comes with some privileges.
There seems to be a lot of people that come in and out to check on things.
Here is a video for you to enjoy until baby decides to get off it's lazy butt. Now we wait and wait and wait.
Stay tuned.
We are here, no baby yet, but close.
We came in at about 4pm in time to get some Oprah time in. Becky did not want to come in yet, but Doc Carey said she needed to get her butt in. She was 5cm when we got in. The epidural (spelling?) was installed about 5:30-6ish. Becky is digging the drugs.
There was a small scare as I got some food that was really nothing to worry about, but they have her on oxygen anyways for the next couple of minutes.
We are a little bit aways, I'll keep you all updated.
As we got here.
Nina is here in spirit.
That is it for now, stay tuned for more.
Yeah, she is supposedly in labor.
Lori at R!ah was able to get her in earlier then her scheduled 4:30 appointment (thanks Lori!). Becky got her hair done up while contraction after contraction hit. Told you, she is tough. In my attempt to keep her moving, we stopped by my Mom's work next door. Then back to the house we go.
As of right now she is moaning on the couch and eating mac and cheese. I am trying to stay out of her way, but within beckon call. We plan on growing our family sometime tonight, but for now we wait it out so that we can go into the hospital as late as possible.
Lori looking good (she had twins just 5 months ago) getting Becky prettied up for labor.
Off to see the wizard
Monday, September 22, 2008
#1 child.
That is, when it finally plops out I can start the teachings. Until then, I will wait to raise the #1 child.
Can you believe Front Load went to work today? She will be induced tommorrow night if no baby. She is at least at 3cm so far. Almost time to pop out #1.

Becky was amazed when I showed her almost all comments on the blog come during the week. Hmmm, I wonder why people are not looking at the blog on the weekend? Yeah, it is no secret you should be working right now.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Tick tock
Have you seen my child yet?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Becky holds the baby!!

Anywho, the baby has officially waited long enough for me to get he/she's room ready. The trim is all in except for some quarter edging. It looks sharp. Now, I have to tackle the rest of the main floor.
Becky thinks it is plopping out today.
In the mean time I am already excited to get more projects done and then get started on my training next year. I had a lot of setbacks this year and so far that only gives me more motivation for next year.
Oh, and we are jealous right now. It seems like we are getting a few people renting out the cabin this fall and we can't go up and enjoy it as well. Soon enough, soon enough,
OMG, you need to get BTW. CUL8R. Dang I am hip.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The day before tomorrow.
Seems like the popular thing to do these days is to call us and see if the tumor has separated from the host body. Nope, still no bundle of joy yet. When it happens, I will have our laptop and camera to be able to update this site with the free Wi-Fi at the Mayo Clinic.
My bike time has been almost non-existent at the moment. I am taking this time as my "off period" for the year. I plan on starting again when the kid pops out. For now I am getting caught up on projects.
This picture was taken this morning.
I got to thinking that Becky has really let her body go. A little web searching I think I found a solution. It seems to be more popular than actually working out (which Becky does still, in small easy chunks).
I am going to get some work done now. Hint, hint.
Friday, September 05, 2008
T minus 12 days
So we got a camcorder so we can see we can document what ever is going to come out of my Baby's Momma. You get to witness one of our first recordings. Warning: extreme stomach proportions.
.krow ot kcaB