Monday, May 07, 2007

TT's, Dandelions, and Nina is crazy

For the 2 people that read my crap you may be interested in the MTB TT series at Steeplechase the next 4 weeks. If you don't come then you are a slacker. Yeah, that is right, slacker.

Headed out on a road ride last week that would last a meek 2 hours. Wind was in the 30 mph hour range and I headed straight into it with some sustained intervals planned. I reached Eyota a little over one hour, 2 sets of intervals, 2 gu packs and a 15 mph pace later. I was actually impressed with the pace because the wind was a bitch (speaking of bitch, did you hear about Paris Hilton? Ha, ha). Well, things were turning ugly quick as I had brought 2 gu's with the understanding that I MIGHT need 1 of them. At the turn around my body was STARVING, but the tailwind made things bearable. 30mph light spinning into town was much appreciated. Just on the edge of town I was going cross eyed and checked the seat bag for cash. Nada, but with a field full of dandelions in front of me, a knowledge of those weeds being edible, and a stomach that was so sad, I threw down a handful and sputtered back into town. So there you go, a new source for riding fuel.

Nina is Crazy
Yesterday we tore up the ground to make our own garden. Mean while Nina decided to spend the whole time freaking out about a 7 foot stick in the back yard. Literally obsessed. She kept banging that thing into us, so I put it in a place that would keep her out of our hair.
My baby's momma destroying our environment.

Nina says, "Dad, I'll still get that stick, dumbass."

She's got mad hops.

And strong jaws.

What are you looking at?

Monday to go back to work, maybe you would care to do the same?

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