Cable was a blast though. Sunday was capped off with a long ride through Rock Lake and Namekagon trails. More and more new trail pops up there when I ride. It is amazing and I am spoiled.
Did I mention that you can rent my cabin that sits just off the Esker trail and is my starting point for all Rock Lake/Telemark/Namekagon rides? It currently sits open for Memorial Day weekend. Just saying.
I got stuff to do, and so do you, so let's get back to work.
Dear Charly's Bike,
Thanks for breaking. You really made my day allowing me to pull away from him in the race.
Anyway, I have to get back to work, so rest up and hopefully you feel better soon.
Super 100 cracked?
Bummer, hopefully others who are not as powerful will not encounter this situation...
Love, Nate.
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