Sooooo, time for a rant,
ie me whining.
You want to know what pisses us off at the shop? When people exhaust our services with the intention of purchasing the same product elsewhere. I'll give 2 examples.
Example #1
Customer comes in wanting to looking for an item. They know about a deal that is soon ending through a local organization. The deal is not through our store, but we are the only ones that stock the product locally. So the customer comes in more than once and spends at least 30-45 minutes to figure out exactly what they want (they need sales assistance the entire time). They act as though they are looking to buy it from us, but it is quickly realized they are wasting our time. I see that customer with said product 2 weeks later, but it was not purchased through us. This was intended all along.
Example #2
We have a customer that expresses interest in a bike. We measure the customer and order the size that is needed. The customer spends large amounts of time looking at the bike, getting sized on it, and test riding it. Then the customer goes and buys it off of e-bay.
Both times customers have no problem wasting large chunks of time with no intent on purchasing a product there. Effectively they COST us money.
I understand that there are other ways of procuring bike parts besides our shop. I do not fault people when they do not buy from our shop. Just don't waste our FREAKING time so you can save a couple bucks somewhere else.
My grandparents say "way to go" on the sweet
internet deal that cost us hours of our time.

Don't you have a job?