Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Heres another chance...

New trails are do not make themselves:

We are planning another trail building session at Gamehaven on Friday at 6pm.  We meet in the boy scout parking lot and then drive to the build site as the lower path there is very flooded.   We had a good turnout last week and managed to rough clear most of the remaining trail.  This week we will focus on actual trail building.  Please bring a flexible yard rake if you have it.  We use those to basically scrape the organic (leaves, plants, sticks, and bark etc)  off of where the trail surface will be.  The reason for this is that as that organic stuff breaks down it can create soft spots in the soil that our tires tear right through.  So the plan will be to have some people raking ahead of others who are building.   Also please bring water, and work gloves.  If you have an axe those can be useful as well.  If you know anyone else that should be on this mailing list please forward this to them and have them get in touch with me as well. Thanks.


Matthew Kurke

1 comment:

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