Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Me again

This last Saturday saw me head out for 3 hours on the gravel for tempo drills that tend to cook the legs. I came back and the Baby's Momma and I headed out for another hour of Essex Park shredding. She may be 7 months pregnant, but she has a new mountain bike this year and the itch to ride. Don't worry, she didn't go off any ledges over 4 feet high.

Sunday, I headed out for another 4 hours on my mountain bike to do a race paced gravel road ride. The day before had me limping a little on the hills, but I felt strong the rest of the time. I just wanted to test the legs for my first "big" race this weekend.

Yes, she is 7 months pregnant there. Yes, that is the Trek 69'er Top Fuel she is riding. Yes, I have that same bike. Yes, it kicks booty. Yes, we made Nina pose for the picture.

-This week will be some recovery as the legs got worked over this last weekend.
-We turned the AC on for the first time last night.
-My sister is in Europe. One of my younger brothers is going to Ecuador. I am going to Cable for the 4th and getting jiggy on the sweet trails.
Time to get back to what you get paid for.


  1. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I noticed the blasphmy as she is wearing a Specialized jersey. I hope she didn't but it at the place that starts with an E and should never be mentioned.

    And does this mean she rides a guys bike or you ride a womans bike?

  2. No, that means she borrowed her husband's old jersey. The one that he won at the Specialized Cactus cup race as a junior expert cause he is so badass. We shall not speak of the place that shall not be spoken.
