Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Where in the world is Charly?

No 12 hour last weekend (not too disappointed considering the rain they had). Hardly any bike time in last couple of weeks. Why? New tenant moved in Monday and I found out just before that that the walls around the current tub/shower where literally falling off from moisture damage. So I am back at work for the summer, and what time I did not spend there was spent ripping out walls, installing a tub surround, and then patching everything back up. My life as a landlord is not all caviar and laying out at the mansion.

In the big news front, Tri Guy has his own blog. Can be found here. Oh, it is amazing how much people want to be like me.

I have been a busy boy. Now I am off to work and Chicago for a wedding this weekend. Looking to get the legs shredded by showing up to the group road ride tonight on the Paragon. They need pain (the legs, not the other riders, although people say I am a pain to be around).

Later, and of course, BTW.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Bucked again

Headed up to Buckhill again, this time with Tri Guy.

I got a much better warm up and the severe breathing problems that emerged Tuesday held off last night. Heading up the climb I lead out for awhile and settled in to about 5th place in the loose sandy single track. I struggled a little there and still was not hitting on all cylinders. The next couple laps I would try to chase down the trio of Barry Tungseth, Heath Weisbrod, and Tom Miller. At the start of the forth lap I bridged the gap and across the ridge Heath let me by as he had pedal problems. Right after that I ended up clipping 2 stumps in a row with each pedal, knocking me off the bike and burping the front tire. Back on the bike I chased down the Penn Cycle duo. At the top of the starting hill I came by Barry, and then I was able to put in an effort to get across the "finish line" a half wheel ahead of Tom for fifth. Results here.

Just a note, it has me listed as 6th place over a second down from Tom. The finish has cones that lead up to a painted line. I came across that painted line just ahead of Tom. They don't run timing chips there, so I can only assume they punched in our numbers to the computer as we approached the finish, not at the actual finish. Oh well, I say I got 5th, not going to argue it. I don't know if Tom has a different take on the finish.

I was 2 1/2 minutes faster this week and moved up 6 (or 5 depending on who is counting) spots. Looks like next time I'll have to move up the next 5 spots and knock out Brendan "lay the meat" Moore.


Shown up by a senior citizen.

Remember the videos from this post? You can see Kuske demonstrating the wrong way to take this new section on the Rock Lake trail system. Well, here is another video of how to do it properly on the same section of trail. For the record, I was told this rider is 65 years old...ouch. I am sure I'll get a video of an 8 year old girl clearing it soon. Seems everyone can clear this section of trail, well almost everyone.


Monday, June 01, 2009

Burley Intervals.

Well, Abi got some wheels on now she is rolling on 20's.

Seemed like everyone was getting primed and ready for Afton, but I have another race that I want to fly at. I have been slacking on the training, but that has changed, and the Burley is sure coming in handy. Saturday I was out for 4 hours, starting with hill intervals, rolling around at Eastwood, and then calling the police to take care of unlawful man on man action at Eastwood (resulting in tickets, yeah!!).

Sunday the Burley latched on the back of the Hi Fi and I headed out with the wife on her road bike to have our first family day in 2 months. Low psi, full suspension fully open, tired legs, hauling baby and gear, and low RPM's = almost 4 hours worth of hard tempo intervals. We crushed the Cannon Valley Trail and then some.

Loving these Burley intervals.

back to work, hugs and kisses,