Monday, April 23, 2007

Babies, Crits, and Land of Cheese

Weekend day #1

Well, Sat I drove 5 hours to attend my first coed baby shower. Got pulled over for rolling a stop sign, damn racial profiling.

Then drove 90 minutes to see the friend's new baby.
Then at 9:30pm we finally arrived at my baby's granddaddy's and grandmomma's where I quickly fell asleep.
Exciting day, eh?
Weekend day #2
Sunday arrives in WI with great weather. The baby's momma and I chill outside (in da hood o' course) and watch the Rolex's to know when to roll out. We jammed out of the hood packing heat cause that is howz we do it. A stop at the Gap outlet store and we were out to hang wit da homies.
Mad town waz call'n and I saw my peeps hanging at the crit. The Moore brothers tell of their gangsta first and second place rides in the ghetto of WI da previous day. Signed up, put the 9mm away, and it was crit time.
The other gangs were popping their homies off the front all race, but none of them were true O.G.'s that could back it up. The last straight away was where it was going down.
The sprint was like this: boxed in at about 6th, frustrated with 1st riding away, find a hole, sprint around group to go for it, one of them swerves as I go by and my left shoe says hello to his front wheel, he swerves away and then back and it is my rear wheel that doesn't budge as he ends up going down, he breaks his collarbone, ambulance comes. I spend the rest of the day feeling guilty and trying to figure out if there was anyway I caused him to go down (I am sure I did not), not about how I got 2nd place in my first true cat 3 race.
Riding in 3rd position. Close to the front, but out of the wind.

The sprint. Me upright on the left. The winner upright on the right. I circled the rider who had gone down. I hope he recovers quickly.

The weekend was full of frustrations. To top it off we came across an accident on our way home. I guy on a motorcycle had gone down and we had the unfortunate experience of seeing his lifeless body on the road.
Remember folks, we live on borrowed time. Try to keep it all in perspective out there...
but for now you should get back to work.


Brendan said...

Nice work!
It sounds like it wasn't your fault. He shouldn't have swerved.

Anonymous said...

Half wheeling, and dangerous sprinting, sounds like you should have been relegated. Nice going Stefan Schumacher.

Charly Tri said...

Not sure where you get half wheeling out of that, but ok. Dangerous sprinting? I guess that is your take on it. Unless you were there you really can't make that judgement call, anonymous. I came around the guy clean, but I know the hole I went through before (and behind him) could be up for debate. Again, something that you would have to be there to make that judgement call. I myself would love to see a tape of the sprint to see exactly how everything transpired because it happens so quickly.